October 14, 2024

Dear Central Church, 

As we enter into this season of Thanksgiving, I was reminded of how thankful I am for my church! I can’t imagine going through life without a “life-giving” community to walk with me through the highs and lows of life. I am thankful for you! 

There are lots of reasons to give thanks for Central Church, but here are 4 that immediately came to mind: 

  1. We get to worship with different cultures. This will be on full display next Sunday at our Thanksgiving service. We’ll have one service at 10:30 AM that is combined with our Hispanic and Brazilian congregations. It’s going to be an amazing day as we welcome our new District Superintendent, Rev. Kyle Poole. The theme of the day will be “1 Family.” 


  1. We make investments in the next generation of Jesus followers. Our kids ministry remodel is underway and it looks awesome! The project will most likely be completed in January thanks to your generous support over and above your regular tithes and offerings! So far, we’ve received more than $33,000 of our $50,000 goal. Let’s continue to make big investments in the next generation. 


  1. We care about people in need in our community. Our Food Pantry serves around 100 families a month who need a “hand up” to make ends meet. Our volunteers do this every week in the name of Jesus, demonstrating for our community how much God loves them. Because of the increase in people using this ministry, funding for this is beginning to run out. I am praying for Central families who would like to make designated giving to the pantry a regular part of their giving rhythm. If you are able to give regularly to the pantry, mark your gift “food pantry” or select this fund in our online giving portal. 


  1. We are a people of passionate worship. Sometimes I wish everyone could hear what I hear when I’m on the platform listening to you sing. I hear the people of God singing the truths of God with joy and conviction. Collectively, when we lift our voices together we provide the encouragement for those who doubt to believe the Gospel is TRUE! The passion and authenticity of the congregation’s worship is compelling evidence that the tomb is empty and that faith in Jesus brings hope and peace. This is what passionate worship does, and I am thankful to participate in it every time we gather! 

At the end of this month, I’ll gather with my family and give thanks around a turkey and pumpkin pie. I’ll have a lot to be thankful for, but at the top of my list is Central Church! I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we finish out the "Hello Neighbor” sermon series.  

Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark


November 21, 2024


November 7, 2024